Reflecting their Vision for the Future of Work, Conexus Studio Redefines its Workplace with a Human-Centered Design that Fosters Sustainability, Well-being, and a Culture of Collaboration.

In a bold stride towards reinventing the dynamics of workspace design and functionality for the modern era, Conexus Studio’s new office sets a benchmark in office design that mirrors the evolving demands of the Future of Work. The new office embodies the firm’s “Designed to Connect” ethos, integrating state-of-the-art technology and generous communal areas spanning over half the 7,320 sqft floor space, alongside inspiring focus-work setups. With a variety of productivity and collaboration settings for employees to choose from, the agile workspace is designed to cater to the hybrid work model, enabling seamless transitions for employees toggling between remote and in-office work.

“As traditional work structures continue to evolve and hybrid models become more prevalent, our new office space represents our commitment to both our employees and clients,” says Brendan Khor, Managing Director of Conexus Studio, “promoting synergistic teamwork which is key to innovation and success in today’s ever-changing landscape.”


Championing a vision to create environments that cultivate deeper connections and engagement between people and their workspace, Conexus Studio has consistently defied conventional office design norms. This new office makes a bold statement by dedicating over half of the entire area to collaboration and social spaces, where the firm’s clients, suppliers, and wider team across the Conexus group can convene and leverage their collective expertise to achieve greater heights.

The front-of-house is designed as a flexible space where the community convenes to leverage their collective expertise. At the heart of this space is a central resource library curated with an extensive range of catalogues and materials, displayed in an interactive setting with customisable lighting in a reconfigurable space set up to easily explore innovative and customized solutions for their projects.

The office has been meticulously designed to create a stimulating yet comfortable environment, with multi-sensory touches such as fresh flowers, a curated scent and background music. The flexible breakout cafe is a standout feature, an inclusive space offering various settings from cosy booths to high bar counters for rejuvenation, social interactions, to collaborative work. Here, a communal kitchen encourages the team to gather, cook, and share meals together — an exemplification of the integrated work-life balance that Conexus Studio advocates. A custom-designed mosaic table inscribed with “Let’s go APOC” takes pride of place, fostering camaraderie amongst the “Awesome People of Conexus” (APOC).


As part of the commitment to a human-centric design, the well-being of employees are placed at the forefront of every decision made. This approach is not just about creating a physically comfortable environment, but also about nurturing a supportive and empowering atmosphere that promotes mental and emotional well-being. By prioritizing biophilic design using greenery, natural materials and other nature-inspired design elements, including a lush, custom-designed 3-dimensional wallpaper mural, the workspace becomes a sanctuary that encourages productivity and creativity, while also reducing stress.


The office is also designed to meet the stringent energy-efficient standards of mTower’s Green Mark Gold Plus certification, embodying eco-friendly design principles. The layout maximizes natural light, while the air-conditioning and lighting systems are precisely engineered for efficiency, with task lights suspended directly above each workstation. Sustainable furniture and materials further reduce carbon footprint, aligning with Conexus Studio’s commitment to sustainability.


Conexus Studio’s design approach is marked by attention to detail. Finely crafted joinery and unique permutations of materials (for instance, the tile designs) come together to create unique, visually stunning combinations that reveal an intricate depth and complexity upon closer inspection. Customised carpentry provides tailored storage and display solutions that cater to the specific needs of the team, while also showcasing the studio’s expertise in bespoke design. At the utility area, a custom-designed biophilia-themed mural in a unique 3-dimensional textured wallpaper adds depth and interest in an artwork depicting the firm’s work within a natural ecosystem.


Technology features empower employees to work seamlessly and efficiently, with tools such as a livestream-enabled town hall, meeting rooms with advanced video conferencing capabilities, a collaboration space with switchable privacy glass and a facial recognition-equipped locker system, enabling convenient and secure access for employees.

With its eye firmly on the future, Conexus Studio’s new office is set to redefine the parameters of the modern workplace, creating a unique work environment where creativity and collaboration can soar to new heights.

Project: Conexus Studio Office
Size: 7,320 sqft
Location: Singapore
Design Studio: Conexus Studio
Photo Credit: Jyu Studio / Tushar Mohan

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