Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What types of projects are Office Concept looking to publish?

A: We publish workplace architecture and interior design projects that have been built and completed within the last 2 years.

Q: Does photography quality and style matter?

A: Photography is important and we are primarily looking for project imagery to be comprised of professional photos.

Q: Who can and should submit projects?

A: All projects will be submitted by the leading workplace design firm.

Q: What should the project description talk about and do you publish it as received?

A: Project descriptions should describe the thinking behind the design of a project in a narrative form. Rather than just listing key facts, the description should help give context to the project imagery.

Q: Can we submit multiple projects to be published?

A: Yes. We regularly receive multiple projects from the same workplace design firm.

Q: What should I do if I still have additional questions about submitting?

A: You can use our contact form to get in touch with us